Masjid Construction

All costs associated with renovating the center (Bathroom area) and implementing outside improvements as per our approved Site Plan, such as Rain water drainage system, Parking, landscape, lighting .. etc

Masjid Operations

All expenses associated with keeping the Ad-Dawah Center operational.



Zelle. It is a free, fast, safe, and easy way to send money in minutes from one account to another. Every major bank offers this service under your online account. You will just need to send your money:

Name: Ad-Dawah Center of NJ
Email address: [email protected]

In memo, you can write the purpose of your donation: Masjid Operation, Sadaqah, Zakah, Fitrah, Fidyah, etc. You can send money as low as $1 to as much as you want with no fee and hassle.

Write/drop check/cash to:

Ad-Dawah Center of NJ
3191 US-206, Columbus, NJ 08022, USA

Donate via PayPal

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